Saturday, August 09, 2025
Captain’s Meeting – Friday, August 8, 2025 Ballyhoos from 6–7:30pm
Register before Friday, August 8th at 7pm
Payment & Rules
The Hooked on Hope VB Mackerel Tournament is a family-friendly event. Each fishing team must include at least one participant under the age of 18. There is no limit to the number of anglers per entry.
Register before Friday, August 8th at 7pm
- The entry to the tournament is $250.00 per boat. All entry fees must be received/paid no later than 7:00pm, August 8, 2025 to be eligible for prizes and awards (unless the time is extended by the tournament). Entry Fee can be made on our website: (We also will accept Paypal and Venmo upon request)
- Cash Awards: The cash payout total will be 50% of the entry fee, with the other 50% donated to Hooked on Hope VB. We will break it down as follows: 1st Place 50%, 2nd Place: 30%, 3rd Place: 20%.
- The Captain’s Meeting will be held at Ballyhoos on August 8, 2025, from 6:00pm – 7:30pm.
- If there are no fished weighed, or the tournament is canceled due to weather, the money will be raffled off at the rate of $125 per boat entered, at a payout the same as the tournament (1st Place: 50% 2nd Place: 30%, 3rd Place: 20%).
- Weigh-In Procedure: The procedure for weigh-in is critical – please read carefully! You must bring your fish to the awards party at Ballyhoo’s by car. The official weigh station will open at 1:00pm August 9, 2025 and will remain open until 2:00pm. We will only weigh your fish one time.
- Each team is eligible to weigh-in their three (3) largest Spanish mackerel that meet the state regulations. Fish will be weighed to the tenth of a pound. If there is a tie, the team who weighs in first will be the winner.
- All boats may depart from any Virginia port but must weigh in at Ballyhoo’s. You must deliver fish by vehicle; there is no dock.
- Fishing Hours & Boundaries: Lines in at 8:00am and lines out at 12:00pm. There are no boundaries for the fishing area. Only fish caught between 8:00am and 12:00pm will be eligible for weigh-in.
- Weather: The tournament does not provide a weather committee and it is a Captain’s choice tournament. All team captains, members, boat owners and all other participants are responsible to determine that their craft is sea-worthy and are advised and encouraged to be familiar with the current local weather conditions and forecasts to determine if conditions permit the safety of the boat, crew, anglers, and guests to proceed to depart to sea and return in a safe and prudent manner. The tournament reserves the right to cancel the tournament. If Saturday is cancelled, the tournament director reserves the right to hold the tournament on August 11th. For updated messages, please call 757.472.7212. If one of the two eligible days of fishing is declared fishable, it shall constitute the tournament.
- Federal and State Regulations: The weight and/or length of the eligible fish submitted for weigh-in are subject to State laws.
- Waiver/Disclaimer: It is expressly understood that participants in this tournament enter at their own risk, and that the Tournament Directors, Officers, Tournament Sponsors, Committees and all other persons connected directly or indirectly with the operation of said tournament, shall be exempt from any liability whatsoever for liable, slander, loss, damage, negligence, harm, injury or death suffered by any participant, entrant, vessel and equipment, companions and guests, boat captains, mates, crew members, which may occur during or in conjunction with this tournament. By signing the official tournament registration form, the boat owner, captain and mate(s), anglers and guests, consent that the tournament may use without payment or restriction any photographs, video footage, in which he or she may appear for any purpose whatsoever, including but not limited to resale, advertising, commercial or promotional material.